Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Vancouver CRNE Help Available!

Are you writing the Canadian Registered Nurse Exam in February 2011?
Are you starting to feel anxious about how you are going to study for the exam?
Are you feeling like you've done a lot of the practice questions but need new ones?
Are you feeling like you need a strategy to writing the CRNE?

If you are a new grad, or a internationally educated nurse and want help studying for the CRNE and don't know where to look, then look no further.... we can help you get PRIMED for your big day. PRIMED Ed Assoc. is co-founded by two nurses who have helped hundreds of nurses be successful on their CRNE.
PRIMED offers an intensive two day workshop that reviews fundamental nursing concepts and incorporates over 200 mock CRNE questions.

There are upcoming PRIMED CRNE review sessions in Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary in January 2011 in preparation for the February 2011 CRNE. For more information or to registered online visit