Thursday, April 29, 2010

CRNE Prep Vancouver

There is still room left in the Vancouver location of the PRIMED Canadian Registered Nurse Exam prep course taking place May 8-9, 2010 at St. Paul's Hospital downtown.

Whether your looking for the opportunity to write CRNE style questions, review nursing concepts or find out the areas you need to concentrate your studies on, the PRIMED CRNE review course is for you!

During this two full day workshop, you will practice over 200 CRNE style questions. Not only that, but PRIMED facilitators will review common clinical scenarios and nursing interventions that you need to know for the exam and for clinical practice.

In addition, the registration fee will include a 160 page workbook and lunch on both days!

Sign up now at

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Calgary success!

PRIMED is pleased to announce the Canadian RN review preparation course at the University of Calgary April 24-25 was a success!

Students from University of Calgary and Mont Royal College joined us for the educationally packed weekend. We really enjoyed teaching this group of students as they were attentive, used critical thinking and asked interesting questions.

For example, students had many questions about the H1N1 influenza outbreak so we spent some time reviewing  that as they are likely to encounter questions on the exam on this.

The students told us their confidence greatly improved and they feel much more ready for the CRNE in June, 2010.

We wish them all the luck in their future careers as nurses!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Last Minute Contest for Calgary!

The first person to email us the correct answer to the following question will receive 20% off the registration fee for the upcoming PRIMED CRNE review prep course this weekend April 24-25 at U of C.

Which of the following diseases has been eradicated?

a) polio
b) smallpox
c) tuberculosis
d) dengue fever

email us at

Monday, April 19, 2010

Special Rate for Calgary

PRIMED is pleased to announce that they are offering a special rate of $300 for the April 24-25 course in Calgary. That's $50 off the regular rate, sign up today at

For $300 you will get 2 full days of instruction divided into different areas i.e. maternity, cardiac etc. reviewing anatomy, pathophysiology, common clinical scenarios and nursing interventions. Then after each section you will get to practice about 15 CRNE style questions. In total you will practice more than 200 questions over the two day.

The $300 registration rate also includes a 150+ page booklet and lunch on both days!

Sign up today at

Friday, April 16, 2010

MOCK CRNE Exam Online Now!

PRIMED Educational Associates is pleased to announce the launch of a mock Canadian Registered Nurse Exam (CRNE) on the website

The mock exam is structured just like the real thing...there are 200 questions covering various nursing areas which are case-based and independent in nature. These questions were developed based on the Canadian Nurses Compentencies so they reflect the real exam.

You need to have PayPal account set up before signing up for the mock exam. Once you have the PayPal account set up visit to sign up for the quiz. You have two attempts at writing the quiz. Good luck!

Marlene Burrows & Laura Housden

Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekend workshop success!

PRIMED is happy to report the CRNE prep workshop this past weekend held at Langara College in Vancouver, BC went very well!

Laura and Marlene had a fun time facilitating this group of bright students. The students asked great questions and had excellent examples and tips to share with the rest of the class. Students were from various background from new grads to international nurses from the UK and the Phillipines. Some participants had been unsuccessful on the past exam and were taking the workshop to improve their knowledge and confidence.

The students found the workshop very helpful and feel much more ready to take their exam in June.
We wish them the best of luck and success in their nursing career!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Special Course Price: April 10-11th CRNE prep course- Vancouver

It is still not too late to sign up for PRIMED Education's Canadian RN Exam prep course, happening this weekend in Vancouver BC.

Date/ Location: April 10-11th at Langara College, Vancouver BC.

You will receive 16 hours of instruction by 2 facilitators, a 140 page course workbook and the chance to have your questions about the exam answered.  Lunch is also provided on both days.

For the April 10-11th course only, we are offering a special discounted price.
When you register, tell us you heard about the discount on the blog and you can still register for the earlybird price of $300.00.

Other upcoming review dates include:

April 24-25th, University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta
May 8th-9th, St. Pauls Hospital, Vancouver BC

Remember, you can study for the CRNE and we can help!

Friday, April 2, 2010

CRNE Preparatory workshop in Alberta

Are you a newly graduated nurse or a international nurse in Alberta and need to write your Canadian Registered Nurse Exam (CRNE)? Are you at a loss of where to begin? Perhaps, a concise review would help?

Well, then sign up for PRIMED Ed. Assoc. 2 day intensive preparatory workshop!

  • It is running April 24-25, 2010 at the U of C in Calgary, Alberta
  • Includes 150 page booklet reviewing different nursing areas, followed by 10-15 CNRE style questions (over 200 questions in total)
  • Taught by two masters prepared nurses with active clinical practice and teaching experience
  • Includes lunch on both days!
For more information please visit or email us at
or contact Laura at 604 839 750 or  Marlene at 604 551 1756.