Saturday, April 12, 2014
Upcoming PRIMED CRNE prep course-Toronto, Vancouver etc.
It's getting to that time of the year when students are starting to look ahead at the 2014 June CRNE and realize that it's not that far away. In fact, it's only about 7 weeks away! That means it's time to start getting serious about studying.
For those of you that are finishing school in the upcoming few weeks it's time for you too. Remember obtaining your Bachelor's degree is a huge accomplishment but you still have to pass the CRNE if you hope to practice as an RN in Canada! No matter how strong of a student you were in undergrad you still have to study for the CNRE. You may have great nursing knowledge but if you aren't familiar with the way the exam is laid out, how the questions are worded and what kind of pace you need to have then you may find the exam very challenging and not be successful. It's true the majority of students are successful, however here at PRIMED we've heard from many students who obtained honours standing or straight A's in their nursing programs only to be unsuccessful in the CRNE because they were unprepared.
To help you be successful we suggest developing a study plan, writing it down and sticking to it. Try not to worry too much about obtaining your provisional license and working for the next few weeks. Spending the time now studying and being successful on the exam is going to ensure you can be a RN for along period of time rather than just a few months if you are not successful on the exam.
And if you would like to sign up for a prep course that can be very helpful. PRIMED is offering several courses in May and we still have seats open, especially in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Edmonton.
Please visit our website to find out more about the course. Here you can look at the course outline, read about the PRIMED facilitators and test your knowledge in our online study centre.