Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tips for the Upcoming Exam

Are you writing your CRNE next week February 3, 2010? Are you starting to feel anxious about it? We have some practical do and don't tips that might help you get through that day a little smoother.

The Evening Before the Exam:

Get everything ready that you need. Take out the clothes that you need. We suggest dressing in layers as temperatures can be variable in the exam room. Get a pencil case ready with multiple pencils a couple of erasers and anything else you usually take to the exam (water bottle, kleenex). Wear your watch; it will prevent any unnecessary straining to find a clock in the room, not to mention save valuable time and any suggestion that you are cheating. Ensure you know exactly where the exam is. Have your route mapped out with appropriate transit lines or driving directions.
When this is done, try and relax a little. Read a book for pleasure, take a bath or spend time with your family. Last minute cramming is actually counterproductive at this point as it decreases your ability to critically think and problem solve. When you are ready for to go to sleep, you may want to set two alarms, just in case the first one fails, or have a friend that is writing the exam call to ensure you’re up.

The Day of the Exam

The morning of the exam, do your usual routine, so if that involves walking Fido continue to do so. Ensure you have a wholesome breakfast that includes both carbohydrates and protein. Ensure you have some water in the morning and if you usually have caffeine continue to do so, just don’t consume any more than usual.

What if you’re too worried to eat?

Again, ensure you have water and it would probably be a good idea to drink an electrolyte solution, to prevent hypoglycemia.

Plan to get to the exam writing centre at least 30 minutes before your exam, so that if you run into problems with traffic you have some leeway. In addition, this time will allow you to get acquainted with your surroundings and use the bathroom. It is vital that you avoid negative influences! If you see some of your classmates there and know that they exude a lot of negative energy before the exam ignore them! Instead, listen to music or stand alone or with a supportive friend while waiting to go in.

During Lunch

Ensure that you eat a balanced lunch and stay hydrated. If you are able to get up and walk around for 10 minutes that would be beneficial to help you relax and clear your head. Again, don’t surround yourself with negative influences, and don’t discuss the questions from the morning session, as it will only provoke anxiety.

After the Exam

Celebrate! Congratulations on finishing your exam. You will probably go over some of the questions with your classmates at this time, but remember not to dwell on the ones you got wrong as we always remember those ones, and not all the questions we answered with confidence.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Weekend workshop success

The PRIMED CRNE review session that took place this past weekend (January 9 & 10) was a great! Marlene and Laura had a wonderful time meeting all the registrants which come from various nursing backgrounds. Several students traveled a fair distance to attend the course. We'd like to thank these out of town registrants who came from Winnipeg, Edmonton and Victoria, for their dedication.

The course was essentially sold out and participants gave us great feedback. We wish all the best on your exam February 3, 2010.

The next Canadian Registered Nurse Exam takes place Wednesday June 2, 2010. This is the largest writing of the three that takes place during the year. PRIMED is anticipating a large demand for seats in their spring workshops. So to answer this demand, we are going to be offering two workshops in Vancouver one in April and the second one in May. The exact dates will be announced on our website soon http://www.primededucation.ca/ .We are also trying to work out details to run a workshop in Alberta, either Edmonton or Calgary, so if you have a preference please let us know at primededucation@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mock CRNE exam at the PRIMED workshop

If you have signed up for the PRIMED CRNE workshop this weekend (Jan. 9-10, 2010), you'll be pleased to hear we are offering a mock CRNE exam.

Registrants will have the option of staying for an hour after the course on Sunday to write a mock exam with 50 questions. This will give you the oppurtunity to sit for an hour and concentrate on practicing dozens of questions. Afterwards, the correct responses will be shown so you can mark your exam and see how you did.

If you are wondering if you can sign up for the course, it is not too late! We have just a few spots available so, please contact us as soon as possible to see about saving a seat for this weekends exam review.

Please contact us at:
or 604 551 1756

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Win a discount to the upcoming PRIMED CRNE course

Well, this will be the last chance to win a discount to the January 9-10 PRIMED CRNE review workshop.
The first person to e-mail us the answer to the following question will win 20% off the registration fee.

Who is known as the the father of medicare?

a) John A. McDonald
b) Jean Chretien
c) Sir Henry Woods
d) Tommy Douglas

e-mail us your answer at primededucation@gmail.com